

We are a service company implementing large as well as small gastronomic projects. Since 1998, we have been supporting companies and organisations in the public and private sectors, at national and international level, in the implementation of their projects in the catering field. In this context, we rely on openness and fresh air to act as a specialized team with foresight.

kpc - Consulting

Company culture

As an owner-managed family business, our company culture is characterized by the special proximity of the management to the company and to its employees. We appreciate the family atmosphere, flat hierarchies, and short decision-making processes. Since 2018, we have been changing generations. We hold on to what has made us successful. But in doing so, we do not fear change. We are constantly questioning our approach, by rethinking it and by so creating a sustainable and future-proof concept.

The workmanship of our products, the goods logistics and our experienced assembly teams are a guarantee of compliance with the requirements of our clients.
Our success is based on broad flexibility, fast response times, individual problem solutions, high demands on ourselves and our long-standing service partners all over Germany.


We have already planned and implemented more than 800 projects. Every single order is individual and unique and broadened our horizons and expertise in the field of commercial kitchen technology. Thanks to the interdisciplinary set-up of our team, we are able to solve a wide variety of tasks for our customers.
We are used to being confronted with new challenges and high complexity, keep a cool head, and always find methods to handle them.


Our objective is to develop individual and high-quality solutions addressed to our clients. We are well-versed in all activities related to commercial kitchens, always focus on market developments, and are committed to greater sustainability.


In response to the high complexity and volatility in this field, we have taken an interdisciplinary approach. We learn from each other, support each other, and always manage to inspire our clients. We know that only togetherness results in good solutions and we reject dog-eat-dog behaviours of any kind.



With our technical planning, we create the conditions for creativity in the kitchen. For us, technology and design go hand in hand. A key concern for us is that we do not just create functionally flawless solutions, but also convince when it comes to the design-related aspect. Since only in an aesthetic environment kitchen and food can become an authentic experience.


Reliability is one of our core principles. On this we never compromise. We focus on transparency and cooperative dialogue with clients, employees, and authorities. Our products and services require excellent quality standards in all areas as well as processes. We stand by the agreements we have made and ensure that all requirements are met.
Our partners know that they can rely on us.


An intact environment is part of a good life. Furthermore, we take responsibility. The supply chains are complex; in this context, we have identified a potential for improvement from both a cost-related and environmental point of view. In order to reduce emissions, we rely on environmentally friendly energy sources and fuels. Thanks to our generous storage capacities and our in-house fleet of vehicles, we deliver as many items as possible together. In order to reduce packaging waste, we also use sustainable and reusable materials.


We are an owner-managed company. And as it shows, our short decision-making channels and flat hierarchies make us flexible by enabling us to react to the sometimes constantly changing framework conditions.
#We see change as an opportunity.

kpc - Großküche

kpc - Zusammenhalt


kpc - Nachhaltigkeit

kpc - Dynamisch


Our objective is to develop individual and high-quality solutions addressed to our clients. We are well-versed in all activities related to commercial kitchens, always focus on market developments, and are committed to greater sustainability.

kpc - Zusammenhalt

In response to the high complexity and volatility in this field, we have taken an interdisciplinary approach. We learn from each other, support each other, and always manage to inspire our clients. We know that only togetherness results in good solutions and we reject dog-eat-dog behaviours of any kind.


Mit unserer großtechnischen Planung schaffen wir die Voraussetzungen für Kreativität in der Küche. Technik und Design gehen bei uns Hand in Hand. Uns ist es wichtig, nicht nur funktional einwandfreie Lösungen zu schaffen, sondern auch hinsichtlich des Designs zu überzeugen. Denn nur in einem ästhetischen Umfeld können Küche und Essen zu einem wirklichen Erlebnis werden.

kpc - Design

What we appreciate about each other is that we can count on each other.
Our partners know that they can rely on us.


An intact environment is part of a good life. Furthermore, we take responsibility. The supply chains are complex; in this context, we have identified a potential for improvement from both a cost-related and environmental point of view. In order to reduce emissions, we rely on environmentally friendly energy sources and fuels. Thanks to our generous storage capacities and our in-house fleet of vehicles, we deliver as many items as possible together. In order to reduce packaging waste, we also use sustainable and reusable materials.

kpc - Nachhaltigkeit
kpc - Dynamisch

We are an owner-managed company. And as it shows, our short decision-making channels and flat hierarchies make us flexible by enabling us to react to the sometimes constantly changing framework conditions.
#We see change as an opportunity.

New talents, bright minds, and creative personalities.

The success of our company is based on creative and highly motivated employees who develop ideal solutions in cooperation with our clients.

We offer

  • In this context, we are able to offer exciting tasks with creative options in a dynamic environment, short decision-making paths, performance-based salary and social benefits, employee-oriented company culture, training and development opportunities, and team events.
  • short decision-making paths
  • performance-based salary and social benefits
  • employee-oriented company culture
  • training and development opportunities
  • team events
  • JobRad
  • and much more
offene Stellen

Wir sind auf der Suche nach engagierten Mitarbeitern (m/w/d), die unser Team im Servicebereich verstärken.

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Wir sind auf der Suche nach engagierten Mitarbeitern (m/w/d), die unser Montageteam verstärken.

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Wir suchen eine:n motivierte:n Bauleiter:in (m/w/d), der mit Fachwissen, Engagement und Kreativität unser Team verstärkt. 

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Für unseren Standort in Fulda suchen wir eine:n technische:n Produktdesigner:in in der Maschinen- und Anlagenkonstruktion (m/w/d).

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Wir sind auf der Suche nach motivierten neuen Mitarbeitern (m/w/d) im Kundendienst, die unser Service-Team mit ihrer Expertise und ihrem Engagement bereichern.

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Wir freuen uns auf Initiativbewerbungen:

  • Ingenieur:innen
  • Business economists
  • Interior designers
  • Management assistant

Education and Training

You are about to finish school and are looking for an exciting apprenticeship offering you the best prospects for your future? Then send your application for a job at the company kpc!

As the expert of the future, you will be supporting the company kpc from your first working day. In turn, the kpc team will support you. Upon successful conclusion of the apprenticeship, a takeover in the company is desired.

Top 10 Betrieb
Aus- und Weiterbildung

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Fulda (Industrie- und Handelskammer Fulda) awarded us as one of the top 10 regional companies for outstanding training performance.
In the apprenticeship occupations office management and technical system planning, our apprentices have completed their path with the best examination performance in the professional group.

University studies

Would you like to study at the university and still gain a foothold in a successful medium-sized company? If this is the case, the company kpc is the perfect place for you.


Already in the training planning, the interests, strengths, and development objectives of the student are taken into account.

The objective consists of the training of the future executives with technical and economic competencies who, after passing the examination, will start a successful career at kpc.